Seawater Solutions . . . Good Business Good Sense

The activities relating to the world of large intakes is gaining momentum, the need for Clean Water and Power in the Middle East and the growth of the New Generation of Power Plants in the Far East and the rest of the world is generating a growing demand for large seawater intakes that meet environmental concerns and offer many years of reliable service. Owners of these plants demand that the CAPEX is reasonable and that reliability is fundamental.

Seawater Solutions has firsthand knowledge of the major problems that can occur in these intakes, from huge influxes of Jelly fish and weed to shoals of fish, seasonal leaves and general debris all kinds which if not efficiently dealt with can rapidly compromise or even close an intake. Seawater Solutions has the answer to these problems and can advise you from a firm base following years of experience in dealing with these problems.

Government bodies in Europe and the Middle East have engaged Seawater Solutions as their advisor on some of the major plants recently constructed or presently under construction.

Seawater Solutions was created to give firsthand knowledge of good design to owners consultants and contractors, we work on . . .


and any intake where fresh, brackish or seawater needs to be screened and pumped.

  • Our expertise can save you money in arriving at a conceptual design
  • We can evaluate any potential supplier of intake equipment
  • We can recommend the best plant for your site
  • We can write specifications for you RFQ
  • We can expedite any appointed supplier
  • We can visit existing plants to advise on improvements upgrades or replacements
  • We can train your engineers to understand the basis of good intake design.
  • We can advise you on all aspects or Fish Guidance and return Systems

Our partnership has worked with almost all the major developers and consultants at some point and we have a knowledge of the industry that no one supplier of screens can offer, we are independent focused and reliable.

Overhead Raking Screen

Common Cooling Water Intake

Screw Pump Protection

Rotating Drum Screen

Land Drainage Pumping Station

Automatic Strainers

Thermal Station China

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